
Continued improvements on the BrownDog app

The "BrownDog" online GIS app continues to be developed.  This app will work on any computer device, including iPhones and iPad.  BrownDog is an alternative for those who cannot use our older GeoPrime flex app.

Some of the latest enhancements to the BrownDog online app include:
  • Search by Land Owner Name (available through the Advanced Search button).  This type of search requires a password which is available through the registration form link at the top of the app. 
  • Other enhanced search capabilities using the basic search box and the advanced search button.
  • More map layers and more control over the layer display.  For example, click the ... (ellipses) to the right of the layer name to adjust layer transparency. 
  • Better popup window displays.
 In the coming year, more enhancements to the online GIS sites are planned.

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