
How to zoom quickly on an online map using the Shift key

Brown County online GIS

“Zoom In” quickly using the Shift key

How to Zoom In to an area (handy shortcut using your Shift key)
The BrownDog map and most of our Featured Maps & Apps  allow you to zoom in to a rectangle that you draw.  This shortcut will help you zoom around the map more quickly and it’s very handy when starting from a wide view, such as the entire county, and zooming in to a specific location. (Of course, you can also zoom using the search box).

Here’s how to zoom to a rectangle you draw:

  1. Press and Hold Down your “SHIFT” key

  1. While holding the SHIFT key, use the mouse’s left click button and drag a box/rectangle on the map.

The rectangle/box that you draw will show as a red outline.  
Simply release the mouse button (and shift key) when you have finished drawing the box around the area you want to zoom to and the map will go to that location.

Your mouse scroll wheel will also allow you to zoom in/out, as do the buttons along the left side of the map.  
And of course if you know the address, street, or parcel number you wish to zoom to, you can use the “Search” button to quickly go to specific locations.

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